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After His Majesty’s inauguration of the actions of the ordinary session , The House starts to hold its sittings in which it holds the first sitting chaired by the oldest MP to elect the standing bureau as stipulated in the paragraph (A) of the article (3) of By-laws (Rules Of Procedures).

The Speaker shall open the sitting on the specified time, if the absolute majority of the House Members is not present, he shall delay its opening for half an hour. Should this period elapse and the quorum is not established, the Speaker shall specify the date of the next sitting

The House’s sittings shall be open, and these sittings may be secret if requested by the government or five (5) MPs  in writing and in this case ,the House Chamber   shall be vacated from those present other than the Ministers, the Senators, and the Secretary General of the House . Then the Speaker shall  submits the request to the House for deliberation. If it approves it, the sitting shall remains secret until the finalization of the issue  for which the sitting was requested to be secret. 

Sittings classification

1. Legislative sittings:

Legislative sessions are these sessions that are specialized for to address and study the laws submitted by the government and competent committees in addition to the draft laws submitted by committees .

2. Parliamentary oversight sittings:

Sittings that are specialized to discuss the questions, interpellations and requests for discussion and item of “ Any other business”.

3. Government confidence sittings:

The sittings that are held to discuss the  ministerial statement of the Cabinet or requests of withholding confidence on the basis of which the confidence is given to the government or withholding it from the government or from one of its ministers.

4. Joint sitting and their types:

Sittings that are held in joint with the House Of Senates to discuss the articles of the laws that are the subject of disagreement between the two houses. (These sittings are governed by the By-Laws of The House Of Senates.

  • Sittings that are held upon the request of The Prime minister.
  • Sittings that held when the King assumes his constitutional powers.
  • Sittings that are held upon the inauguration of the ordinary session of the Parliament.

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